
MAX16159 Datasheet, Maxim Integrated

MAX16159 supervisor equivalent, nanopower tiny supervisor.

MAX16159 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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MAX16159 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* 370nA Quiescent Current, Extends Battery Life
* Edge/Level Trigger MR Input
* Factory-Set Reset Timeout Period
* MR Debounce Circuit.


* Chargers
* Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment
* e-Readers/Tablets
* Wearable/Porta.


The MAX16140/MAX16142/MAX16144/MAX16146/ MAX16156/MAX16157/MAX16158/MAX16159 are ultralow-current, single-channel supervisory ICs that monitor the VCC voltage from 1.7V to 4.85V in approximately 50mV increments and asserts a reset when VCC voltage fa.

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